Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Dos meses encerrado y un poco desmejorado.

Con Septiembre empezó el cole y la buena vida se acabó. En cualquier caso todas las semanas sacamos unas horas para airearnos un poco.
El Otoño empezó templado, lluvioso y florido.
Flores y mariposas tuvieron unas semanas de regalo nada típicas en estas tierras.
Entrado Octubre, los árboles empezaron a amarillear.......... , como en casi todas las parte suele ocurrir en el hemisferio norte.
O a enrojecerse..........
Y nosotros mientras, conocimos nuevos States Parks Minnesotanos.
Taylor Falls
O este en Wisconsin de cuyo nombre no logro acordarme.
Celebramos fiestas con temática española en honor a una compatriota que abandona MN en breve.
La buena de Fátima prevenida del invierno Minnesotano migra a tierras más calidas.
Para ver más fotos de la fiesta, ponemos el link de Alexandra
Hicimos un poco el payasete.....
Belén paso dos semanas con nosotros y finalmente y sin darnos cuenta, llego Halloween....
Y por primera y seguramente última practicamos el ¨carving¨en una mini-ruperta que fué lo único que pudimos conseguir la vispera de Halloween, imprevisión española.
Y Rosemary cumplió 13 añicos, haciendonos por contraste con ella a todos un año más viejetes y ajados y demostrando una vez más sus dotes interpretativas.
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I love the pictures which Jack'o'lantern light on & off.
And that was very good party, wasn't it? I like our ESL class,we can meet many people; However people enter in a short term, there are many encounters, but also is much parting and is very sad.
And that was very good party, wasn't it? I like our ESL class,we can meet many people; However people enter in a short term, there are many encounters, but also is much parting and is very sad.
I have the same feelings, It´s a kind of present to have the opportunity to meet such a nice people. But most of us are gonna be here for a while. Myself have only 3 more months. Several times the temporary of our relationships try to prevent me to tie them, because after a while it´s difficult to say so long. But we have to squeeze this great advantage that we have. Don´t you think? thanks for your comments.
Jose! When you’ll start writing your blog in English?
Bush looks stupid and the other pictures you posted are very beautiful! Sorry, that’s all that I can comment on your post:-))))
Bush looks stupid and the other pictures you posted are very beautiful! Sorry, that’s all that I can comment on your post:-))))
Jose, Whats wrong with your blog?!:-))))))
I spent 15 minutes trying to leave a comment here:-)))))))
It was my last attempt:-)))))
I spent 15 minutes trying to leave a comment here:-)))))))
It was my last attempt:-)))))
Hi Alexandra, I´m sorry for the problems you had writing comments. I don´t know what is the problem but most of people say the same.
I know I should write in English but It´s a little bit little to teach English to my parents and most of my friends. Anyway, after a couple of weeks I´m gonna try it.
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I know I should write in English but It´s a little bit little to teach English to my parents and most of my friends. Anyway, after a couple of weeks I´m gonna try it.
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